é simples e facio a desvantagem e vantagem dos pokemons , a lista é bem simples !
TopicoOficial : http://pcodonate.zapto.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=8690Vantagens: Dark, Grass and Psychic.
Desvantagens: Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Steel and Poison.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Dark
Vantagens: Ghost and Psychic.
Desvantagens: Dark, Fighting and Steel.
Pokemon Tipoe: Psychic.
Pokemon Tipo: Dragon
Vantagens: Water, Fire, Grass, Electric, Dragon.
Desvantagens: Dragon and Ice.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Electric
Vantagens: Flying, Water and Fire.
Desvantagens: Grass, Rock and Ground.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Fighting
Vantagens: Dark, Steel, Rock, Normal, Bug and Ice.
Desvantagens: Flying, Psychic and Poison.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Fire
Vantagens: Grass, Ice, Bug and Steel.
Desvantagens: Water, Ground, Rock and Dragon.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Flying
Vantagens: Bug, Fighting and Grass.
Desvantagens: Steel, Electric and Rock.
Pokemon Tipoe: Ground
Pokemon Tipo: Ghost
Vantagens: Ghost and Psychic.
Desvantagens: Dark and Steel.
Pokemon Tipoe: Normal and Fighting.
Pokemon Tipo: Grass
Vantagens: Water, Ground and Rock.
Desvantagens: Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Ice and Poison.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Water
Vantagens: Fire, Ground and Rock.
Desvantagens: Grass, Electric and Dragon.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Steel
Vantagens: Poison, Rock, Ice and Grass.
Desvantagens: Electric, Fire, Water and Ground.
Pokemon Tipoe: Poison.
Pokemon Tipo: Rock
Vantagens: Normal, Bug, Fire, Flying and Ice.
Desvantagens: Water, Fighting, Steel and Ground.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Psychic
Vantagens: Fighting, Poison and Ghost.
Desvantagens: Dark, Ghost and Psychic.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Poison
Vantagens: Grass, Fighting and Bug.
Desvantagens: Rock, Poison and Ground.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
Pokemon Tipo: Normal
Vantagens: None.
Desvantagens: Rock and Steel.
Pokemon Tipoe: Ghost.
Pokemon Tipo: Ground
Vantagens: Electric, Fire, Steel and Poison.
Desvantagens: Grass and Bug.
Pokemon Tipoe: Electric.
Pokemon Tipo: Ice
Vantagens: Dragon, Flying, Grass and Ground.
Desvantagens: Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel.
Pokemon Tipoe: None.
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